I’ve envisioned having a labyrinth in our back garden ever since we bought our house nearly two years ago, and I’m excited to say that now we have one!
Two months ago, some friends who had journeyed with us through our miscarriage gathered together on the day that the baby we lost would have been due to mark the occasion by installing a labyrinth in our backyard. Given that I’ve written here about this experience feeling like walking a labyrinth, I couldn’t think of a more appropriate way to spend the day—a day on which, for us, the journey still continued.
In preparation for installing our labyrinth, I searched the Internet for instructions on how to create an easy, affordable labyrinth in a backyard and was surprised to not find many tutorials. Because of this, I decided to document our experience and make my own. Below you’ll find instructions for installing a brick garden labyrinth (we chose brick so we could easily mow over it and use the space for other purposes), though you could also make it out of stone or even plantings. It could be neat to do a seasonal one out of flowers that spring up in summer and fade in the fall! Here’s what you’ll need…