On Wednesday night the stars aligned and I had the opportunity to see and hear—and even for a brief moment meet—author Sue Monk Kidd.
Saying that the stars aligned might seem like a dramatic way to describe it, but in a way, it feels so true. The work of Sue Monk Kidd entered my life long ago and lit a flame within me—a star that grows ever-brighter as I journey closer toward the Divine and my true self—so an encounter in the flesh seems like a Divine occurrence, and I treated it as such.
Sue Monk Kidd inspires me.
The roots of word inspire are close to that of inspiration, which describes an “immediate influence of God.” To be inspired is to be in-spirit, and spirit, as we know from the Hebrew word ruach, means breath or wind. To be inspired is to be filled with the Spirit, and this inspiration moves with the force of a mighty and mysterious wind, causing us to catch our breath as it takes hold of our very being.