The journal I’m taking with me to Arizona next week. The bees might have been slightly influenced by Sue Monk Kidd…
I know we each have journey guides and spiritual midwives whose words we want to take with us when we travel, but why did they have to make their books so heavy? (Then again, don’t take anything out—those words are golden.)
If you’re wanting to take some inspiration with you on your journey but can’t manage the added weight (and really, who should take that much anyway?), why not consider turning your favorite poems, passages, blessings, and quotes into your own personal pilgrim liturgy?
Once you find the perfect journal for your journey, copy down the words that inspire you into the journal’s front pages and make them a part of your daily routine. Perhaps there’s a poem you’d like to read each morning of your pilgrimage, or a blessing that could ease you into rest each night. Maybe there’s a particular Scripture verse or phrase that expresses the theme of your search, and you want to see it each time you open your journal to write. That one goes on the front!
Put quotes that inspire all on one page for you to return to in challenging times, or simply when you have a long wait. And of course, leave some extra pages at the front to keep adding to your own personal liturgy as your journey continues. Inspiration and words of wisdom lie around every corner for those who seek the Sacred. You could also add images—sometimes they take us to our Sacred center far more easily than words.
If it’s a while until your next journey, consider creating a personal liturgy for the current season instead, placing it in the front of your current journal. God knows we could all use a little inspiration in the midst of winter (pray for us, Southern Hemispherians!).
Me? My next journey begins this Sunday. I’ll be spending two weeks in the Arizona desert, training to become a spiritual director. More on that next week, but until then, below are some bits of inspiration I’ll be adding to my own liturgy for the journey ahead (feel free to use them for yourself, too!).
Poems by Hafiz, Rumi, and Mary Oliver
Compline readings from Celtic Daily Prayer and blessings by John O’Donohue
Quotes from some of my favorite journey guides, including Danielle LaPorte (I’ll be starting here), Joseph Campbell (the journey genius), and Marianne Williamson (currently reading her bestseller, A Return to Love)
What would you add to your journey journal as a part of your pilgrim liturgy?