I’ve been hinting at it for a few weeks now and the day has finally come! The Sacred Ordinary Days Podcast is here—just in time for the season of Advent and the new liturgical year.
I was so excited when Jenn Giles Kemper of sacredordinarydays.com invited me to join her in her new podcasting venture. It seems like everyone is podcasting these days, and while I was curious about what that might look like for me, starting one myself seemed like a bit of a stretch. However, recording conversations with a dear friend and colleague about spiritual formation and the spiritual journey? I’m in!
Given our shared interest in the liturgical seasons and our desire to share its gifts with others (I’ve recently released my Sacred Seasons liturgical wall calendar and Jenn is the creator of the Sacred Ordinary Days liturgical day planner), this season we’ll be focusing on the Liturgical Calendar with conversations about each liturgical season in real time.
You can listen to our introductory conversation below, and Advent and Christmas won’t be far behind! You can also subscribe to the Sacred Ordinary Days Podcast in iTunes or your favorite podcast app so you don’t miss a thing. (And while you’re there, leave a review, will you? It helps spread the word.)
Without further ado…
Resources referenced:
- Sacred Seasons liturgical wall calendar
- Sacred Ordinary Days liturgical day planner
- Sacred Ordinary Days Workbook (free when you sign up here)
- Girl Meets God
- To Bless the Space Between Us
What’s your experience of the Liturgical Calendar? Add your voice to the conversation in the Sacred Ordinary Days Tribe or on social media using the hashtag #SacredOrdinaryDays.
PS: Posts around here over the next few weeks will be about new podcast episodes as we get this thing off the ground. You don’t mind, do you?