I’ve been in need of inspiration a lot lately.
Cultivating your own vocation is a challenging task, especially when you’re trying to listen closely to the Sacred Guide. And while the vocation I am pursuing comes with many gifts, doubt is also a regular visitor.
I shared these struggles last month with my own spiritual director, and she suggested that I gather together things that inspire me so that when moments of doubt feelings of unworthiness creep in, I’ll be surrounded by words, objects, and images that can usher me back to the truth.
What better time to do this than when I’m settling into a new home and workspace, right? Though the rest of the house hasn’t yet completely fallen into place, I finished my workspace and inspiration wall yesterday, and so I thought I’d share it with you.
There are images that draw me in, poems that call me back, and objects that remind me of contemplative retreats and pilgrimages to Sacred landscapes. You might recognize some illustrated, hand-lettered prints (of fine quality, if I say so myself). I’ve also included my core desired feelings as well as my primary archetypes so that I can always remember both who I am and what I long for.
One of the poems posted is a new-to-me poem by the jolly mystic Hafiz, and I think it sums my desire for this new creation well: to continually return me to my center—my Inner Witness—where my True Self communes with the Divine. Since it’s written for you, too, I wanted you to also receive its gifts.
Like a great film or play everyone should see,
Hints of your beauty the mountains have,
The enchanting complexions of the coral reefs
are pale to a golden candle in our heart.
What moves in any ocean moves through us.
A thousand kinds of music play every hour
that you orchestrate.
Let the next ticket you buy help seat you in
front of . . . your soul.
What calls you back, reminding you of who you are, whispering Sacred truths? Do you have a place where you gather all that inspires you? Share your response to the questions or the post in the comments.